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0425 747 759


74 Slater Parade, Keilor East Vic 3033

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Bathroom Renovations IN VIC

Our experts at VIC Wide Building group can offer full renovations in Melbourne, including a complete update of your bathroom. No matter the type of home that you have, we will make sure that the bathroom is one of the most comfortable places to be in.


Our Building Process

1. Initial Inquiry – Free of Charge

The initial inquiry entails a visit to the site, where we determine the initial average costs and whether the project that you have in mind is feasible or not. You will discuss with our sales managers, going through a couple of aspects such as your budget and your vision. Bear in mind that before the initial inquiry, you must make sure that you have considered the following:

  • Any prior plans and whether they were Council-approved or not.
  • The type of house that you want, in case you don’t have any pre-approved plans yet (whether you want to go for single or double story).
  • Any features that you wish for your new home to have (for example, a certain number of bedrooms or a certain type of room).
  • The home style (traditional or modern, for instance).
  • When you want to start building or to move in.
  • Your current finances and whether you have the budget or not
  • Is your finance in place?


2. Initial Designing Phase


Do you want to go past the initial inquiry and start working on your project with the Tekton Building Group? If you do so, at this point you will be required to pay an initial fee. In this phase, we will survey the building site in more detail and start by designing your dream home. We will provide a fixed price quote, depending on your specifications.


3. Fixed Price Quotation

Once you have signed off on the quote, you will be required to pay one more design fee. Our engineers will begin working on your home improvements, and we will also make sure that your paperwork (the DA and CDC) is in order. At this point, the custom details such as tiles, colours or tapware will also be discussed.


4. Obtaining Council and Planning Approval

Once your DA (Development Application) and CDC (Complying Development Certification) have been approved, you will have to sign the NSW (Housing Industry Association) contract and pay the fee. You also need your Financial Institution Authority at this point.


5. Constructing the House

Once the contract has been signed and all the approvals are in order, we will begin working on your home construction. When you knock down and rebuild your home, the constructions will begin the moment your home is demolished. On the other hand, if the house is made from scratch, the construction will be started in 14 days after signing the contract.


6. Completing and Handing Over the House

When the house construction has reached an end, you will be contacted by our company supervisor for an appointment. Here, your house will receive its final inspection before it is given to you. You will have to make your final payments, including any potential provisional costs that appeared throughout the construction. Once that is done, the key will be in your hands.


7. Maintenance and Warranty

Our company features a 3-month warranty for any initial defects, along with a 6-year warranty for any other major defects that can occur over time. Every other defect will receive a 2-year warranty.