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0425 747 759


74 Slater Parade, Keilor East Vic 3033

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Knockdown & Rebuild


Love your location, but outgrown your home?
Found the perfect block of land with an existing house, but dreaming of a new home?
Breathe new life into your block with a brand new custom-designed home.

We are the experts in knock down and rebuilds, and we’re ready to assist.

Let your property dreams happen sooner and start a discussion with Better Lifestyle Homes today.

Deciding to demolish not only raises the value of your new property, saves you from paying stamp duty and selling costs, it also gives you the added benefit of tailoring a new home suited to your block and your lifestyle. Whether you’re buying an existing and outdated property, or living in a home that no longer suits your family lifestyle, Better Lifestyle Homes will help you build your dream home – exactly the way you want it and on your own land.